It has been a long time since i stepped into this site, almost 4 yrs my goodness.. Its actually quite saddening to leave this blog of mine so plain. I am not sure if there is any pple who actually read my posts.. (though only 2). anyway it doesn't really matter.. I mean when i started registering for this blog that time, i wanted to bring all my thoughts, believes, fustration, well basically all my heart-felt feelings into this blog. My intention is to bottle up all my emotions here and when someday, i will come back here to read all that i have been through to see how much that i have grown, may it be something stupid or something that i have done proud.. (feels like there will be more dumb things here..) I just want to make this place my "cozy corner" and write without restrain. on a more noble thought, i hope others will get inspired by my life and get motivated haha.. or at least for now, i have to tell myself to continue blogging or else no one is goona get inspired by my 2 posts blog. Ok good luck to mi and all those who read this. My life begins now.. this is my recarnation, a second chance for mi to see this world. I am fortunate to be here to tell my life again..
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